3 Annual Reflections

In this episode, I share:

  • The three reflections I do every year
  • Why I chose these three
  • And how you can use these reflections to celebrate your year and plan for next year

Episode Transcript

Hello! My name is Julianna Yau Yorgan and I’m a career coach who helps introverts succeed in the workplace by unleashing their introvert superpowers

Today, I’m going to share:
The three reflections I do every year
Why I chose these three
And how you can use these reflections to celebrate your year and plan for next year

I chose this topic because I’m not in the “new years resolution” camp, and I know a lot of introverts spend a lot of time reflecting.

These goal-based reflections are meant to help you take stock of the year you had

And start thinking about the year to come.

So let’s go.

Reflection number one:

What goal did I set for myself that I not only met, but totally aced?

No matter how small that goal is, I always start with this so I begin my reflection of the year on a positive note.

This year, for example, I had a goal to no longer be in a job that burned me out and that I actually dreaded having to go into every morning.

The way I was able to do it wasn’t anything like what I expected, but boy did I ever knock that one out of the park.

Some years, it’s been a smaller goal, like finding more moments of quiet time for myself.

So this year, what goal did you set for yourself and you not only met, but in a big way?

The purpose of this reflection is not to be like “yeah, this one!”,

but to wander through all of your accomplishments of the year to get to that big one.

Reflection number two is:

What did I accomplish this year that I didn’t plan to, but am proud of?

This reflection is meant to remind us of all the curveballs that life throws at us…

…and that we are able to adapt and to still accomplish great things…

…even when dealing with the unexpected.

For me, it was starting and sticking with this podcast.

I had considered a podcast for a while,

but worried that I would become one of the 90% of podcasters who stop after the third episode.

And not only have I jumped in feet first,

but I’m closing in on my 10th episode

and have already been able to bring on guests from my coaching network.

So for you, what was an unexpected accomplishment you had this year that you’re really proud of?

And reflection number three is:

What did I plan to accomplish but missed the mark on, and what can I learn from that experience?

Notice that the reflection has been very carefully crafted.

This isn’t about sticking with the goal or figuring out how to meet it.

But being open and curious about the lesson hidden in the experience.

I don’t even know where to start with this one, because I had so many plans for this year.

After quitting my job, not only did I plan to start my own coaching practice (which I did), but I also planned to:

Become fluent in Spanish

Practice yoga and pilates every day

Take two courses on mediaeval Spanish history and manuscripts (you know, just for fun)

Well…let’s just say that I learned that even in pseudo-unemployment, I can be overambitious.

And since this reflection is just for you,

Remember that the point isn’t to get sympathy or a rah-rah for the things you did accomplish,

But to be realistic with yourself about your growth and your experiences.

So as we close in on 2023, consider these reflections for yourself:

What goal did you set for yourself that you not only met, but totally aced?

What was an unexpected accomplishment you had this year that you’re really proud of?

What goal did you fall short on, and what can you learn from that experience?

Okay, that’s it for now. Next week, I’m going to share one of my favourite client success stories.

And if you’re enjoying my podcast, I would really appreciate it if you left a review. Those little stars help introverts like you find this podcast.

Alright, I’ll see you next time!

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